
  1. 细化你的注释,甚至可以把流程图也用ASCII的方式写在代码中。例一个接口的注释:

      * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
      * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
      * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
      * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
      * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
      * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
      *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      * limitations under the License.
     package org.apache.catalina;
      * Common interface for component life cycle methods.  Catalina components
      * may implement this interface (as well as the appropriate interface(s) for
      * the functionality they support) in order to provide a consistent mechanism
      * to start and stop the component.
      * <br>
      * The valid state transitions for components that support {@link Lifecycle}
      * are:
      * <pre>
      *            start()
      *  -----------------------------
      *  |                           |
      *  | init()                    |
      * NEW -»-- INITIALIZING        |
      * | |           |              |     ------------------«-----------------------
      * | |           |auto          |     |                                        |
      * | |          \|/    start() \|/   \|/     auto          auto         stop() |
      * | |      INITIALIZED --»-- STARTING_PREP --»- STARTING --»- STARTED --»---  |
      * | |         |                                                  |         |  |
      * | |         |                                                  |         |  |
      * | |         |                                                  |         |  |
      * | |destroy()|                                                  |         |  |
      * | --»-----«--       auto                    auto               |         |  |
      * |     |       ---------«----- MUST_STOP ---------------------«--         |  |
      * |     |       |                                                          |  |
      * |    \|/      ---------------------------«--------------------------------  ^
      * |     |       |                                                             |
      * |     |      \|/            auto                 auto              start()  |
      * |     |  STOPPING_PREP ------»----- STOPPING ------»----- STOPPED ----»------
      * |     |                                ^                  |  |  ^
      * |     |               stop()           |                  |  |  |
      * |     |       --------------------------                  |  |  |
      * |     |       |                                  auto     |  |  |
      * |     |       |                  MUST_DESTROY------«-------  |  |
      * |     |       |                    |                         |  |
      * |     |       |                    |auto                     |  |
      * |     |       |    destroy()      \|/              destroy() |  |
      * |     |    FAILED ----»------ DESTROYING ---«-----------------  |
      * |     |                        ^     |                          |
      * |     |     destroy()          |     |auto                      |
      * |     --------»-----------------    \|/                         |
      * |                                 DESTROYED                     |
      * |                                                               |
      * |                            stop()                             |
      * ----»-----------------------------»------------------------------
      * Any state can transition to FAILED.
      * Calling start() while a component is in states STARTING_PREP, STARTING or
      * STARTED has no effect.
      * Calling start() while a component is in state NEW will cause init() to be
      * called immediately after the start() method is entered.
      * Calling stop() while a component is in states STOPPING_PREP, STOPPING or
      * STOPPED has no effect.
      * Calling stop() while a component is in state NEW transitions the component
      * to STOPPED. This is typically encountered when a component fails to start and
      * does not start all its sub-components. When the component is stopped, it will
      * try to stop all sub-components - even those it didn't start.
      * MUST_STOP is used to indicate that the {@link #stop()} should be called on
      * the component as soon as {@link #start()} exits. It is typically used when a
      * component has failed to start.
      * MUST_DESTROY is used to indicate that the {@link #destroy()} should be called on
      * the component as soon as {@link #stop()} exits. It is typically used when a
      * component is not designed to be restarted.
      * Attempting any other transition will throw {@link LifecycleException}.
      * </pre>
      * The {@link LifecycleEvent}s fired during state changes are defined in the
      * methods that trigger the changed. No {@link LifecycleEvent}s are fired if the
      * attempted transition is not valid.
      * TODO: Not all components may transition from STOPPED to STARTING_PREP. These
      *       components should use MUST_DESTROY to signal this.
      * @author Craig R. McClanahan
     public interface Lifecycle {
  2. 枚举enum可以携带多个属性。例:

      * The list of valid states for components that implement {@link Lifecycle}.
      * See {@link Lifecycle} for the state transition diagram.
     public enum LifecycleState {
         NEW(false, null),
         INITIALIZING(false, Lifecycle.BEFORE_INIT_EVENT),
         INITIALIZED(false, Lifecycle.AFTER_INIT_EVENT),
         STARTING_PREP(false, Lifecycle.BEFORE_START_EVENT),
         STARTING(true, Lifecycle.START_EVENT),
         STARTED(true, Lifecycle.AFTER_START_EVENT),
         STOPPING_PREP(true, Lifecycle.BEFORE_STOP_EVENT),
         STOPPING(false, Lifecycle.STOP_EVENT),
         STOPPED(false, Lifecycle.AFTER_STOP_EVENT),
         DESTROYING(false, Lifecycle.BEFORE_DESTROY_EVENT),
         DESTROYED(false, Lifecycle.AFTER_DESTROY_EVENT),
         FAILED(false, null),
         MUST_STOP(true, null),
         MUST_DESTROY(false, null);
         private final boolean available;
         private final String lifecycleEvent;
         private LifecycleState(boolean available, String lifecycleEvent) {
             this.available = available;
             this.lifecycleEvent = lifecycleEvent;
          * May the public methods other than property getters/setters and lifecycle
          * methods be called for a component in this state? It returns
          * <code>true</code> for any component in any of the following states:
          * <ul>
          * <li>{@link #STARTING}</li>
          * <li>{@link #STARTED}</li>
          * <li>{@link #STOPPING_PREP}</li>
          * <li>{@link #MUST_STOP}</li>
          * </ul>
         public boolean isAvailable() {
             return available;
         public String getLifecycleEvent() {
             return lifecycleEvent;
  3. 访问外部文件时考虑增加调用耗时纪录。例:

      * Create and configure the Digester we will be using for startup.
     protected Digester createStartDigester() {
         long t1=System.currentTimeMillis();
         Digester digester=new Digester();
         long t2=System.currentTimeMillis();
         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
             log.debug("Digester for server.xml created " + ( t2-t1 ));
         return (digester);
  4. 加载文件方法

      * Return a File object representing our configuration file.
     protected File configFile() {
         File file = new File(configFile);
         if (!file.isAbsolute()) {
             file = new File(Bootstrap.getCatalinaBase(), configFile);
         return (file);


